Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 17 February 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 4A)

Simplified Approach to the Ground-State Energy of an Imperfect Bose Gas. II. Charged Bose Gas at High Density
Elliott H. Lieb and Arthur Y. Sakakura
pp. A899-A906 [View   PDF (1436 kB) ]

Theory of a Configurational emf
Marvin Chester
pp. A907-A915 [View   PDF (1697 kB) ]

Quantum Noise in a Parametric Amplifier with Lossy Modes
William G. Wagner and R. W. Hellwarth
pp. A915-A920 [View   PDF (1375 kB) ]

Phonon Critical Points Reflected in Superconducting Tunneling Characteristics
D. J. Scalapino and P. W. Anderson
pp. A921-A932 [View   PDF (2152 kB) ]

Superconductivity of Solid Solutions of Ti and Zr with Co, Rh, and Ir
Ch. J. Raub and G. W. Hull
pp. A932-A934 [View   PDF (495 kB) ]

Analysis of the Bogoliubov Method Applied to a Simple Boson Model
W. H. Bassichis and L. L. Foldy
pp. A935-A943 [View   PDF (1329 kB) ]

Size Effect of Nuclear Spin Relaxation Time in Superconducting Aluminum
Yoshika Masuda and A. G. Redfield
pp. A944-A947 [View   PDF (1223 kB) ]

Elastic Electron Scattering by Screened Nuclei
Shin-R Lin
pp. A965-A970 [View   PDF (1199 kB) ]

2s and 2p Electron Impact Excitation in Atomic Hydrogen
Kazem Omidvar
pp. A970-A985 [View   PDF (2341 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Cause of the Observed Polarization of Electron-Induced Radiation from Helium
Robert H. McFarland
pp. A986-A990 [View   PDF (1052 kB) ]

Experimental Determinations of the First Townsend Ionization Coefficient in Helium
Lorne M. Chanin and G. D. Rork
pp. 1005-A1009 [View   PDF (976 kB) ]

Yang-Lee Distribution of Zeros for a van der Waals Gas
P. C. Hemmer and E. Hiis Hauge
pp. A1010-A1015 [View   PDF (778 kB) ]

Longitudinal Oscillations in a Nonuniform Plasma
F. C. Hoh
pp. A1016-A1020 [View   PDF (977 kB) ]

Fermi Surface of Ferromagnetic Nickel
J. C. Phillips
pp. A1020-A1028 [View   PDF (1655 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of the Width and Position of the 2E4A2 Fluorescence Lines of Cr3+ and V2+ in MgO
G. F. Imbusch, W. M. Yen, A. L. Schawlow, D. E. McCumber, and M. D. Sturge
pp. A1029-A1034 [View   PDF (1128 kB) ]

Instability in Crystals and Thermal Expansion Coefficients
Marvin Arenstein
pp. A1034-A1037 [View   PDF (802 kB) ]

Bloch Electrons in a Uniform Magnetic Field
E. Brown
pp. A1038-A1044 [View   PDF (1253 kB) ]

T-Matrix Approach to Electron Distribution in Crystals
K. H. Bennemann
pp. A1045-A1061 [View   PDF (2288 kB) ]

Nuclear Zeeman Effect in Gold Atoms Dissolved in Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel
R. W. Grant, Morton Kaplan, D. A. Keller, and D. A. Shirley
pp. 1062-A1070 [View   PDF (1942 kB) ]

Perturbation Theoretic Calculation of Polaron Mobility
David C. Langreth and Leo P. Kadanoff
pp. A1070-A1075 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline Dysprosium from 5 to 305°K
R. V. Colvin and Sigurds Arajs
pp. A1076-A1079 [View   PDF (824 kB) ]

Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Ruby
P. L. Donoho
pp. A1080-A1084 [View   PDF (807 kB) ]

Nuclear Double Irradiation in Sodium Bromate
J. W. Doane and R. A. Hultsch
pp. A1085-A1087 [View   PDF (505 kB) ]

Exchange Interactions in Cu(NH3)4SO4·H2O
Takehiko Oguchi
pp. A1098-A1099 [View   PDF (434 kB) ]

"Forbidden" Hyperfine Transitions in the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Mn++ in Cubic MgO
John E. Drumheller and R. S. Rubins
pp. A1099-A1103 [View   PDF (846 kB) ]

Fermi Surface of Tungsten from Magnetoacoustic Measurements
John A. Rayne
pp. A1104-A1108 [View   PDF (1084 kB) ]

Spin Temperature in Nuclear Double Resonance
Fred M. Lurie and Charles P. Slichter
pp. A1108-A1122 [View   PDF (2888 kB) ]

Negative Resistance and Impact Ionization Impurities in n-Type Indium Antimonide
R. J. Phelan and W. F. Love
pp. A1134-A1137 [View   PDF (784 kB) ]

Electronic Transport in Semimetallic Cerium Sulfide
M. Cutler, J. F. Leavy, and R. L. Fitzpatrick
pp. A1143-A1152 [View   PDF (2071 kB) ]

Electronic Transport in High-Resistivity Cerium Sulfide
M. Cutler and J. F. Leavy
pp. A1153-A1162 [View   PDF (2071 kB) ]

Optical Properties of Cubic SiC: Luminescence of Nitrogen-Exciton Complexes, and Interband Absorption
W. J. Choyke, D. R. Hamilton, and Lyle Patrick
pp. A1163-A1166 [View   PDF (947 kB) ]

Screened Interaction Model for Impurity Diffusion in Zinc
P. B. Ghate
pp. A1167-A1175 [View   PDF (1580 kB) ]

Nonthermal Equilibrium Fluctuations of Electrons and Holes
K. M. Van Vliet
pp. A1182-A1187 [View   PDF (1118 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Some Dynamical Properties of Surface Atoms
A. A. Maradudin and J. Melngailis
pp. A1188-A1193 [View   PDF (959 kB) ]

Photochemical Study of F and M Centers in Additively Colored Alkali Halides
I. Schneider and M. E. Caspari
pp. A1193-A1201 [View   PDF (2107 kB) ]

Galvanomagnetic Effects in Heavily Doped p-Type Germanium
G. Sadasiv
pp. A1207-A1213 [View   PDF (1203 kB) ]

High-Frequency Resistivity of Degenerate Semiconductors
N. Tzoar
pp. A1213-A1214 [View   PDF (274 kB) ]